Episode 16 - first screened 20th May 2001
Written by: JEFF DODDS
Produced by: ANGUS TOWLER
Recall drops Ben off at his new station and wishes him luck. He gives him a lucky charm that Recall has had since first ecoming a firefighter. At Hyper's, Luke asks where Adam is (it looks like he stayed the night) but Sally tells him he went early. Luke asks Hyper if he fancies a drink later, but Hyper says he has plans and him and Sally set off for work. Recall arrives in the locker room to find Adam. Adam says "hello dad, sorry step-dad" and then asks him about Elaine. He tells him about Elaine having a chequered past, and about one of his predeccessors, Adams father. Adam asks Recall is he is just a mate or a bloke that shags his mother!!
It seems Blue has had the washing out of the basket and Fiona suddenly realises she's about to have pups! Recall goes down to the Twist to see Elaine with role call a few minutes away! She apologises and asks Recall to ask Adam to see her. Pearce is just about to take role call when Andie calls to tell him about the puppies! Pearce tells the Watch about it and suggests they all have one as a thank you, the Watch are stunned into silence but the bells go off and they are called to a man fallen down a lightwell. Pearce walks into a domestic with a man hanging down from a line of sheets trying to get from his wife to his bit on the side. Sally and Hi-Ho get to him and untie him, helping him back into his flat just before the wife gets home!!
Hyper is on the phone to Fiona as the crew arrives back. Pearce walks into the mess and announces there is only one puppy. Recall asks Adam for a word and tells him to talk to Elaine, Adam storms off. Hyper is working out as Sally walks in. She asks him about Luke, and Hyper says he is still traumatised. After shift, Pearce tells Hi-Ho that he is the one to have a puppy. Hi-Ho is hesitant and the rest of the Watch are taking the mick in the pub. Ben arrives after his first day to help beat Recall at pool! Luke arrives to ask Hyper for a drink but Hyper says no, Luke goes to leave buut Hyper catches up with him and they go off together somewhere private (awww!). Just as they are leaving, Adam arrives in the pub....
Adam waits until closing time and Elaine shows him a picture of her as a 17 year old with a 4 month old Adam. She tells him about Martin taking him away from her, and how she was forced to be Auntie Elaine. Naomi takes Hi-Ho home, and gives him some advice about the dog situation. Adam goes to Recalls to talk. Recall tries to make him see sense and tells him about when Ben and Jamie went to Scotland. He lets Adam stay the night.
Next morning at Blackwal, Hi-Ho is practicing his sorry Geoff speech but Pearce catches him before he can say anything. Pearce takes them into the mess and has the pup under his jacket. Hi-Ho is crapping himself and removes the blanket to find a wind-up dog!! Pearce expains he'd thought Pitbull would like the puppy instead (Keep up the comedy Geoff - we love it!!) Adam calls in to see Elaine before shift and wakes her by calling her mum. They make up luckily. Maggie gets a phone call, and comes back distressed. Derek has had a heart attack and is in Hospital.
At the Hospital, a little girl is on life support and her father has decided to switch it off. The mother is still hesitant and refuses to let go. Outside one of the Hospital Security guards watches on. Apparantely an operation went wrong and the girl has been in a coma for 5 months. Coleman takes Maggie to see Derek, and are in the lift up to Cardiac when someone switches the lifts off. In a linen cupboard somewhere else in the Hospital, someone sets fire to the linen......
Adam and Recall are up on the roof when the bells go off and both appliances are called to the Hospital. When they arrive Shadbrook are already there with Steve Prentiss in charge. The crews are sent in to help evacuate while George plays with the ALP. Pearce, Hi-Ho, Hyper, Sally and Melissa are sent to tackle the main linen fire. Prentiss makes it Make Pumps 8. Recall and Adam find the 2nd floor smokelogged but no fire. The linen closet is going well and just as Pearce enters some shelves come down on him, making the crews scramble to his aid. Griggs arrives to take charge, and Prentiss tells him of two seats of fire. Recall and Adam find the childrens ward and the distraught parents. They go to find the girl on life support.
Pearce and the team extinguish the linen fire, and are sent to help Recall and Adam. Those two are having problems as part of the ward ceiling collapses almost burying Recall. Luckily the two mange to work their way through to the girl, but find she is still wired up. Recall is worried about getting cut off but Adam is determined to get the girl out. Maggie tells Coleman about her never loving Derek and still thinking about Albie. Adam brings the girl out and Recall tells Griggs about the second fire. Griggs realises either its a major electrical fault or someone started it deliberately. Griggs talks to the Watch as they come out, and withdraws all crews. Sally and Hyper are on jets when Derek runs up and tells them Maggie never got to him. Pearce is on the radio to control to get them to phone Coleman when a huge explosion rips out of a window....
Coleman and Maggie hear the explosion and Coleman forces open the doors and leads Maggie out to try and escape. Griggs commits more crews to each floor to search for them and as the crew goes up the stairs another fireball erupts. Recall and Adam are sent up to the 3rd floor while Hi-Ho and Sally are sent to the 2nd. Coleman leaves Maggie by a stairwell and goes off to find an exit. He finds a Fire escape chained up. Pearce goes into the Command Unit and suggests to Griggs that the arsonist may still be inside. Another explosion collapses part of the ceiling on the 2nd floor onto Coleman. Sally and Hi-Ho find Maggie, with Hyper and Melissa taking her out. Adam and Recall find someone on the 3rd floor, and another explosion goes off after he runs away.
Sally and Hi-Ho find Coleman and take him out. Griggs calls for all crews to withdraw. Adam tells them there is someone else on their floor, and Pearce realises its the arsonist. Adam and Recall find the security guard pouring petrol everywhere. He hits Adam with a petrol can and then has a scuffle with Recall. He kicks Adam and then pours petrol over him. Adam cant get up and the Security guard stands over him with a lighter. Recall shoves the guard out of the way, but he comes back at Recall sending them both out of the window.....
The guard is flat on the concrete outside, Adam peers over the edge to find Recall hanging on for dear life. The Watch below stare on as George tries to get the ALP up. Adam leans over the edge and grabs onto Recall. Adam manages to pull Recall up onto the ledge and they lay collapsed "So is this how you fit into the family Dad?" asks Adam, and they sit there laughing!
Recall.................... BEN ONWUKWE
Pearce.................. MICHAEL GARNER
Sally....................... HEATHER PEACE
Hyper.................... CONNOR BYRNE
Coleman.............. EDWARD PEEL
Hi-Ho..................... FUMAN DAR
Adam.................... SAM CALLIS
Fiona...................... HELEN ANDERSON
Andie..................... JOANNE ADAMS
Elaine Reeve........ SHARON DUCE
Melissa................... KATY ODEY
Pitbull..................... AL HUNTER ASHTON
Griggs..................... SIMON MERRELLS
Ben......................... FRASER AYRES
Derek...................... ARTHUR WHITE
Steve Prentiss........ SCOTT LANE
Luke....................... SCOTT NEAL
Naomi................... KEELEY FORSYTH
Mike Newton........STEVEN OSBORNE
Madeline.............. CHRISSIE COTTERILL
McFee.................. SCOTT FLEMING
Tina Phillips........... TAMSIN SWAN
Gary Phillips......... PHILL CURR
Dr.Barnes.............. JENNIFER LUCKRATT
Osborne............... SEAN WIGHTMAN
Nurse..................... HELEN BRAMPTON
Surgeon................ JO SEARBY
Cara..................... GEMMA DOYLE
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