Episode 2 - first screened 28th January 2001
Produced by: ANGUS TOWLER
Estimated audience: 10.9million
Following on from last weeks episode, Pearce and Recall are caught up in an explosion in the flats. Sally tries to radio Pearce but theres no joy. Luckily, Geoff is alive and is trapped under lots of debris with Mr Schuster (the old man). Recall is also OK, but is balancing on a ledge on the fourth floor. He can't find Mrs Schuster but sees the young woman who fell in from the roof. Coleman sends in teams to get them out but Griggs puts a stop to it, saying they need to check the building isn't going to collapse further. Councillor Hemmings overhears them. Pearce finally connects up his radio and is able to talk to Coleman. Recall slowly edges round a big hole in the floor to the woman, but a gas main erupts into flames. Griggs has to think about sending the teams in as there isn't much time.
Finally Griggs allows Coleman and the crew to get inside to get them. The ladders wont reach Recall so Coleman asks Griggs to get the ALP ready. Sally finds Mrs Schuster, she's not in a good way. Lynne (the young woman) tells Recall that her husband started the fire, but Mr Schuster tells Pearce the truth. He started the fire by setting off a smoke flare in the party to scare the boys. Adam gets the ALP up to the roof and lowers a line and two slings down to Recall. Lynne is scared of heights, but Recall tells her to think of the baby. The ALP goes up pulling the dangling Recall and Lynne through the roof and lowers them to the ground. Not without the Adam Benjamin wisecrack "Hey Recall, who was it that sang puppet on a string"!! The crew finally reaches Geoff and Mr Schuster and pulls them out. The Schusters are taken to Hospital. Geoff tells the Watch about who started the fire. Recall goes to tell Lynne it wasn't her husband, and tells her to give him another chance. He goes back to the Watch where Pearce is tearing a strip off the Watch for sending him pager messages. Hyper admits to sending some, but then when Pearce reads out the latest one, has to say it wasn't him. Pearce realises it isn't a joke and runs off!
Poison runs all the way to the Hospital and asks the receptionist where his wife is. She's too busy on the phone, but eventually he finds Maggie and Fiona in a ward. He apologies for not being there. Fiona explains she had a caesarian. Just at that minute a nurse brings in the new arrival with Zoe just behind. The Watch is talking about Pearce, when Coleman thanks Councillor Hemmings. They exchange first names, much to the delight of the Watch :) Sally comes across and tells them all that Pearce has had a baby girl. They immediately start to think of names for her, with Hyper suggesting Poison Ivy !! Shadbrook spoil the moment by starting to tease George about the theft. The crew gets back to the station and are getting ready to go home, when Pitbull and "Ducky Drake" start teasing George about the theft and announce it to the whole watch. Sean Bateman sees this and tells them to clean the appliances, then has a word with Coleman about George. Hi-Ho uses some of that spray before going out, but George is summoned to Colemans office who tells him about the police wanting to talk to him.
They all go to the Hospital to see Geoff and Fiona, but as Coleman says they need a strategy to get past the recptionist at this late hour. Adam is thron to the lions and has to try and charm his way in. Coleman sends in wave 2, in the form of Hi-Ho. His spray impresses her and she starts to chat about his work. The others seize their chance and get past the desk. Hi-Ho is stranded when she asks him if he gets any time off...... The Watch arrive in the ward. Adam and Hi-Ho take a liking to Zoe, so Adam takes Hi-Ho outside and says hands off, she's mine! Coleman gives Fiona a bear from the station, but a male nurse comes in and tells them to leave. They all file out, but Hi-Ho sprays some of that stuff onto Hyper. they walk past the dragon receptionist, just as Hyper comes back and tells them he's pulled that male nurse!! Pearce and Fiona start to think about names for the baby and come up with Eve, the name of Geoff's mother. The others go to the Oliver Twist pub, and gets in the first round. Adam goes behind the bar to get them, and has to explain that he lives above the pub and helps out when its busy! Convienient no? Recall's pager goes off and he gets his pocket computer out. he explains that he's making money in Far East shares. Hyper suggests a syndicate, and appoints Recall as Blue Watch's Investment Broker! Hi-Ho is a hit with three girls in the pub, but George goes home to find his divorce is waiting for him. He and Andie are thrilled. She also tells him about a DC coming to see him. George lies and tells her he's an old mate.
The next morning, Pearce awakes to take baby Eve out to see London. Aaaah! Back at the station, Coleman is miffed as the paper tells of a "disgreement" between senior officers. Coleman shows Hyper (whos acting up) and suggests that Griggs may have told them to discredit him. The others are still feeling the strain of the previous night. At role call, Councillor Hemmings arrives to speak to Coleman and tells him it was her who told the paper. In the mess, Maggie still hasn't got the cooker working, but Adam has an idea for lunch. He gets the landlady of the Oliver Twist to bring some lunch across. They all start munching in the Watch Commanders Office, when Coleman walks into the mess and wonders where everyone is. He and Maggie go down to the Watch Commanders office to find them all stuffing their faces......
Eve is taken down to the special care baby unit. the Doctor explains that he thinks she has a small problem with her breathing. Meanwhile, back at Blackwall, the pump ladder gets called out to a flood in a video shop. The owner gives George some money to hold onto, but George gives it straight to Recall. Hi-Ho has found a sex education video, but the owner says he has something a bit more interesting for him involving a firefighter and two nurses!! As Sally is acting leading hand, she remains at the station and Coleman tells her that Griggs has been let off at the inquiry. The Pump Ladder returns to find DC Thomas waiting for George. He asks him what happened and if he saw in the bag. George says he didn't but Shadbrook says otherwise. Adam gives Maggie some flowers and she forgives him as he's wearing some of that spray! Bateman sees Sally on the roof and tells her its his mission to cheer her up. he gets called away, just as Pitbull arrives and is not happy about someone nicking his flowers (Adam!!) Pearce and Fiona are watching baby Eve as the heart monitor starts beeping and they are asked to leave as the medical team get to work.....
Recall.................... BEN ONWUKWE
Pearce.................. MICHAEL GARNER
Sally....................... HEATHER PEACE
Hyper.................... CONNOR BYRNE
Coleman.............. EDWARD PEEL
Hi-Ho..................... FUMAN DAR
Adam.................... SAM CALLIS
Fiona...................... HELEN ANDERSON
Alison Hemmings... LIZ CROWTHER
Elaine Reeve........ SHARON DUCE
Pitbull..................... AL HUNTER ASHTON
D.O. Griggs............ SIMON MERRELLS
Andie...................... JOANNE ADAMS
Zoe......................... HEATHER JAY JONES
Sean Bateman..... DOMINIC TAYLOR
Flatty...................... MARK LEADBETTER
Steve Prentiss....... SCOTT LANE
Trev........................ KELL WARD
Ron Schuster........ JOHN RINGHAM
Judith Schuster.... EILEEN ESSELL
Mark...................... HARRY EDEN
Terry....................... LEE WHITLOCK
Lynne.................... LUISA BRADSHAW-WHITE
Doctor.................. KOUROSB ASAD
Receptionist........ SHAARON JACKSON
Nurse.................... RORY FEENEY
Ducky Drake....... ADAM WARD
DC Thomas......... PETER McMICHAEL
Len....................... LYNDAM GREGORY
Stunt Performers.. TOM LUCY
.............................. LYNDAL SMITH
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