Episode 3 - first screened 4th February 2001
Written by: LEN COLLIN
Directed by: SUSAN TULLY
Produced by: ANGUS TOWLER
Estimated audience: unknown at this time. please check back in
about a week!
The pump is on its way to a incident at an industrial estate where a light aircraft has crashed, with Coleman close behind. As soon as they arrive, Hyper orders Adam and Sally to lay down some foam, while Hi-Ho and Hyper try to cut off the batteries to the plane. George tries to get some nearby trucks to move but they are hesistant. Coleman takes charge just as Shadbrook arrive in their new pump (Blackwalls old one!). Hi-Ho gets inside the plane trying to comfort a trapped woman and tries to find out where the pilot is. Hyper notices that the fuel tanks are spilling onto the ground, while Sally finds the pilot nearby. Coleman orders everyone to pull back except Hyper and Hi-Ho. Flatty is still winding George up about the theft. Hyper eventually finds the battery and switches it off. Hi-Ho climbs into the back, and finds a snake crawling up his leg! The woman explains that its her act, and there's two of them! George gets the snake off Hi-Ho, who is by this time hysterical. Flatty is putting some stuff away when he finds the other up his leg. As the shout is finishing, Coleman recieves a call from DO Griggs. He has to inform George that there has been an official complaint agaiinst George for theft.
Geoff and Fiona go to the hospital and are delighted to find that Eve is able to go home. The pump is on its way home when Adam gets a text message. Sally is upset that they are ignoring her and tells them to shift. On arrival back at Blackwall, Adam tells Hi-Ho and Recall he needs two blokes to do a photo-shoot for a agony page. Recall and Hi-Ho agree for £30 each! Geoff and Fiona finally get Eve home, but Fiona seems unhappy. Geoff has to lock Bruno outside. At Blackwall, Hyper asks Coleman if Sally could be given the Crew Commander job. Maggie still hasn't got to grips with the cooker, and so the shepherds pie is burnt on the outside and frozen on the inside! The Blackwall syndicate is told they have made another £31 and Hi-Ho suggests they have access to the Internet. Adam says that he can get one for £175, so they pay up in advance. Coleman gets a visitor in the shape of Alison Hemmings, who suggests they talk about smoke alarms and pensioners over dinner...... He agrees and has a huge smile on his face :) He then sends for Sally and tells her that she has to move on. She then accuses him of keeping quiet as he has promotion. He tells her that he had to tell Joe's parents, and tells her that he will never forget where he came from.
Now off-duty, Recall and Hi-Ho are ready for the photo-shoot. They get told the story is that Recall is the dad who finds his daughter in bed with Hi-Ho who has to strip down to his underpants. When Adam tells them the daughter is on her way, Recall and Hi-Ho get a shock when they find its Elaine! They have to change the storyline so that Hi-Ho is Elaines toyboy, but Hi-Ho feels ill and rushes to the bog! George returns home with fish and chips for tea, but Andie is unhappy that there is no romance in their relationship. Alison Hemmings is just about to depart for her date when Coleman phones to cancel as he is feeling bad. She goes to Colemans houseboat to see him instead. Hi-Ho is still feeling bad but Adam thinks Recall is in more danger than Hi-Ho with Elaine around :) Hyper is all set to go out on the town, but rushes back and into the toilet. Meanwhile Coleman is all set to kiss Alison when he too needs the toilet quickly!! I see a pattern forming......
On shift the next day, Hi-Ho is still feeling unwell, as is Coleman, but Pearce is back in charge. Sally is now temporary crew commander instead of Adam. Just as role call is about to be made, they get called out to a car of joyroders balancing on the edge of a riverbank. Sally is given charge of the incident to see how she copes. Adam realises that his nephew is in the car. The car is pulled back off the edge and the joyriders are nicked by the police. One of the boys says hello to "Uncle Adam" and the Watch find out about the Benjamins, with Adams brother-in-law being in Wandsworth Nick. Fiona phones the station, but as Geoff is on a shout, Sean Bateman answers (does he ever go home?). She hangs up on him. He then tells Coleman that three of Red Watch are down with this "mini-epidemic".
Adam tells the Watch that he is not a criminal, its just some of his family. Zoe calls round to see Fiona, but hears the baby crying, Bruno barking, the curtains drawn and no response from Fiona, who is sitting inside crying. Zoe eventually calls the police and Geoff, who has to leave the station to rush home. He gets home to find the police have got in. Fiona tells everyone that she fell asleep. Sally goes to see Sean Bateman to talk about Griggs. She finally decides to drop it and move on. George speaks to Adam and says if he finds out that Adam has nicked the jewellery, he wont be held responsible.....
Recall.................... BEN ONWUKWE
Pearce.................. MICHAEL GARNER
Sally....................... HEATHER PEACE
Hyper.................... CONNOR BYRNE
Coleman.............. EDWARD PEEL
Hi-Ho..................... FUMAN DAR
Adam.................... SAM CALLIS
Fiona...................... HELEN ANDERSON
Alison Hemmings... LIZ CROWTHER
Elaine Reeve........ SHARON DUCE
Andie...................... JOANNE ADAMS
Zoe......................... HEATHER JAY JONES
Sean Bateman..... DOMINIC TAYLOR
Flatty...................... MARK LEADBETTER
Steve Prentiss....... SCOTT LANE
Phillipa................... KERRY POTTER
Foreman................ DENNIS BANKS
Paramedic........... NICHOLAS HARRISON
PC......................... KEN HADLEY
Pilot....................... PETER GORDON
Nurse.................... LYNN WHITEHEAD
WPC..................... EMMA PARSONS
Sly......................... DANIEL SCOTT-CROXFORD
Kevin.................... ADAM DEACON
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