Episode 9 - first screened 18th March 2001
Written by: JONATHAN GUY
Directed by: TIM LEANDRO
Produced by: ANGUS TOWLER
Estimated audience: unknown at this time. please check back in
about a week!
The episode begins with the Pump Ladder and the ALP rushing through a park to a report of a overturned boat on a reservoir. When then pull up, they dont see any boat, but a woman and a child run up and tell them its in the middle of the reservoir. She points and they see a model boat..... Hyper and Adam put the ALP out and pick up the boat, while the rest laugh at their expence. Back on dry land, Adam offers to fix the boat free (as he always does), she says thanks and says her husband would pick it up from Blackwall, her husband being Steve Prentiss!
When they get back to Blackwall Coleman is talking to Andie, and the rest of the Watch wondering about how George is. Hi-Ho offers to run the gym while Andie is busy with George. Melissa is worried about her next posting as she finishes at Blackwall the next day. Andie asks Sally to keep an eye on Hi-Ho. Melissa and Sally talk about Bateman when Pitbull overhears and is not happy. Maggie is up on a ladder cleaning when Hi-Ho knocks her off accidentally, she falls and sprains her ankle. After work, Sally is getting ready to go home in the locker room when Bateman turns up. He says he wants a word but she reminds him he shouldn't be at Blackwall. He's cornered her with no-one around. He says he's got nothing left to lose and says she wrecked Joes life. Coleman is reprimanding Pitbull when they overhear Sally and Bateman, they run up just as Bateman hits Sally, so Sally hits him back. Bateman starts screaming he wants Sally on a charge but Coleman fires him, and even Pitbull says he's disgusted with him.
Recall arrives home to find that Ben has actually got off his arse and gone for an interview, so Recall sits down with his Gameboy to play Pokemon. Adam has found Ben a job at the Oliver Twist. Elaine tells Adam that she doesn't need him as much. Steve Prentiss is there for the quiz night, and tells Adam he hopes there wasn't an agenda as far as his missus was concerned. Pearce arrives home to find Fiona not about, he sits down and the baby intercom starts speaking spookily :) Coleman tells Sally to give a statement to the Police. Hyper is on his own as Coleman, Sally and Recall haven't turned up. He phones Recall who says he'll be there. Hi-Ho talks to Andie about the gym and suggests selling oxygen. Coleman goes to the Quiz night and tells Melissa and Hyper the good news. Pearce and Fiona talk about having a christening for Eve, and they agree on it. Recall and Sally arrive and Elaine tells Recall that Ben has got a job working behind the bar. Adam as quizmaster has put Steve Prentiss, Melissa, Hi-Ho and Ben as one team with Hyper, Coleman, recall and Sally in another. Hi-Ho is being thick, and reckons Henry the 8th had eight wives, thats why he's called Henry the 8th!
While the others are busy in the quiz night, Pearce and Fiona are discussing godparents, they agree on Zoe, but Fiona refuses it to be ACO Chapman. Back at the quiz night, Elaine tells Adam she wants to put his name above the door as joint licensee. Adam is stunned! Ben asks Recall if he fancys Elaine, and then when he says he does, he asks Elaine whether she fancys his dad!!! Adam announces the results of the Quiz night, with Recalls team and Bens team tying. There has to be a tie-breaker and Ben gets it while Recall doesn't.
Back at work the next morning, Pitbull says he was wrong to Sally. Maggie is back in with her ankle bandaged up. Coleman tells Maggie to go home, but he has to give in. Pearce asks her to do the food for Eves christening and she decides to go home to be fit for it. Coleman had asked Pearce to get her to go home and that was his way of doing it. Hi-Ho is given a list of shopping to get, and ropes in Adam as well so they take the ALP to the local supermarket. Alison turns up at the station (on Maggies suggestion) but Coleman tells her that they should have some time apart. Adam and Hi-Ho are in a queue at some tunnel roadworks, when two squaddies pull up alongside them. An ambulance is rushing a girl and her mother to hospital when they are involved in an accident in the tunnel with at least 5 other vehicles. Adam and Hi-Ho see people screaming and running out and immediately put in a priority message. The ambulance has overturned, with a decorators van also teetering on its edge. "Shit" says Adam.......
The scene is chaos, with Adam and the two squaddies rushing inside the tunnel while Hi-Ho makes pumps 6. The squaddies help people out while Adam isolates electrics on the vehicles. A lorry driver is in shock and has to be sat down by Hi-Ho. A fuel line catches fire on a car, but there is no hosereel in the tunnel. Adam and the female doctor travelling in the ambulance are trying to get the girl and her mother out when the mother has an asthma attack. Adam then spots two oxygen cylinders in the ambulance, one is trapped underneath some metal but the other is rushed out by the ambulance driver just as the Pump Ladder arrives. Shadbrook also arrive with Coleman. A young lad in the back of the decorators van phones Fire Control on a mobile phone, Kate has trouble hearing him. The Watch cuts out the cylinder and then rushes it outside. Melissa and Recall get the decorators van driver out but one of his passengers is dead. Coleman orders the tunnel CCTV hooked up to the command unit so he can see inside. The girl in the ambulance is in high spirits though telling Adam that she wouldn't be a firefighter as it doesn't pay enough! Kate tries to contact the Pump Ladder but no-one is near it. Sally and Hi-Ho are trying to put the fire out, but Sally spots a leaking fuel line and tells everyone to get back just as it blows, sending a fireball out of the tunnel. Coleman looks on the CCTV in horror........
Pearce.................. MICHAEL GARNER
Sally....................... HEATHER PEACE
Hyper.................... CONNOR BYRNE
Coleman.............. EDWARD PEEL
Hi-Ho..................... FUMAN DAR
Adam.................... SAM CALLIS
Fiona...................... HELEN ANDERSON
Andie..................... JOANNE ADAMS
Pitbull..................... AL HUNTER ASHTON
Elaine Reeve........ SHARON DUCE
Alison Hemmings... LIZ CROWTHER
Melissa.................. KATY ODEY
Sean Bateman..... DOMINIC TAYLOR
Kate....................... NATALIE ROBB
Ben......................... FRASER AYRES
Prentiss................... SCOTT LANE
Jan Prentiss........... GEMMA LOWY-HAMILTON
Sue......................... PAULA BACON
Lucy....................... MIKAYLA JONES
Jill............................ IVY OMERE
Cpl Dean.............. JUSTIN BRETT
L/Cpl Frost............. IDRIS ELBA
Paramedic............ DAVID STREAMES
Dermot.............. .... BLAKE RITSON
Ron......................... DEREK HUTCHINSON
David..................... DAVID WEBBER
Policeman............. DANIEL HYDE
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