Station Officer John Coleman (Edward Peel)Sub Officer Geoff "Poison" Pearce (Michael Garner)Leading Firefighter Rob "Hyper" Sharpe (Connor Byrne)Firefighter Adam Benjamin (Sam Callis)Firefighter George Green (Glen Murphy)Firefighter Stewart "Recall" Mackensie (Ben Onwukwe)
Firefighter Sally "Gracie" Fields (Heather Peace)Firefighter Ronnie "Hi-Ho" Silver (Fuman Dar)Other regular charactersPast members of Blue Watch

Name: Stewart "Recall" MacKenzie  
Rank: FireFighter
Age: late 30s
Lives: London
Married: Divorced
Children: 2 (Ben and Jamie)
Previous Postings: Borough Street

Recall is a valuable member of the Watch, having been at Blackwall for 6 years. Now minus his beard Recall (so called because of his memory) has had his fair share of personal problems. His wife has taken their two sons away to Scotland, one of which has Cystic Fibrosis, and for a while he lived with Pearce!

Recall missed a young boy in a hotel fire, allegedly punched the manager and was then thrown out of the Brigade. But the Brigade found out that he was innocent and reinstated him. All this turmoil has made Recall look at his life and buys himself a new look, and starts to see Vicky, a copper he met while on the Harrow Street gun shout.

Bang up to date, Recall has grown back his beard, and is now financial broker for the Watch! Also he has had to become a father again as his son Ben has returned from Scotland. Ben was helpful in getting Recall to ask Elaine (landlady of the Twist) out.

Recall Photo Gallery

The Actor - Ben Onwukwe:

Ben has appeared in several London based TV programmes, and also in Between the Lines and Inspector Morse. He was educated very close to the webmasters home town, at Woolverstone School.